Melanie Klein and the Object Relations Approach

Melanie Klein and addictions

Winnicott’s therapeutic approach

Why “Good Enough mother” and Not “Perfect”?

good enough mother

Jung & Buddha’s Greatest Debate

The Super Ego | The Terrorist of the Mind

The Ego – Sigmund Freud

The Id: Sigmund Freud

The Shadow and the Persona

Carl Jung and Shamanism

God contains the two opposites of good and evil.

The Wounded Healer

Fundamentals of the Primitive Psyche – Carl Jung

“Answer to Job” – Carl Jung

Carl Jung’s Approach to Alcohol Addiction

The Hero’s Journey in 12 Steps

The process of individuation

Simba The Lion King – Simba from a Jungian perspective

The encounter with the wound

Freud’s addiction to cocaine

Carl Jung – The Mythical Man and the Power of Life

Carl Jung on the collective unconscious

Carl Jung talks about the persona

Carl Jung on the anima and the animus

Carl Jung – The Red Book

Man seeks meaning

Viktor Frankl | Addictions and Emptiness

Kohut and addictions

The myth of the universal hero

Jordon Peterson on the Shadow