The Biology of Faith Part 3
The Biology of Faith Part 3
“Turning the impossible into possible”
"Detox from Drugs at a Luxury Holistic Center in Thailand and Israel"
The Biology of Faith Part 3
The human body is in a constant state of growth or defense, but not both at the same time. Nature is the baby’s initial program that prepares him for the world. During stress, blood flows from the intestines to the periphery, unnecessary body functions in the fight-or-flight mode are stopped, and energy is redirected to defense. The immune system is weakened, brain development is arrested in some parts, and a tendency is created for automatic behavior over conscious thinking.
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DaoTherapy Holistic Rehab
Key Elements of Drugs Detox:
Medical Supervision: Drugs detox must be conducted under medical supervision, as the body may experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include nausea, anxiety, muscle aches, and insomnia. A medical team will monitor and manage these symptoms to ensure the patient’s safety and comfort.
Holistic Therapies:
Holistic Therapies: Many detox programs incorporate holistic therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, and meditation to help individuals cope with stress and anxiety during the detox process. These therapies support the mind-body connection and contribute to overall recovery.
Tapering Process
Tapering Process: Drugs detox often involves a gradual tapering of the drug to reduce withdrawal severity. Doctors will slowly decrease the dosage over time to allow the body to adjust to lower levels of the substance.
Psychological Support:
Psychological Support: Like any addiction recovery process, detox from Drugs includes psychological support. This can involve counseling, therapy, or support groups to address the mental and emotional aspects of addiction.
Post-Detox Treatment:
Post-Detox Treatment: After completing detox, continuing treatment is crucial to prevent relapse. This often includes participation in ongoing therapy, group support, and the development of new coping strategies to maintain sobriety.
The human body is in a constant state of growth or defense, but not both at the same time.
The human body is in a constant state of growth or defense, but not both at the same time. Nature is the baby’s initial program that prepares him for the world. During stress, blood flows from the intestines to the periphery, unnecessary body functions in the fight-or-flight mode are stopped, and energy is redirected to defense. The immune system weakens, brain development stops in some parts, and a tendency is created for automatic behavior over conscious thought.
Human perceptions arise from innate instincts (nature), learned conditioning (nurture), and creative programming (consciousness), with consciousness having the greatest power. The baby learns about the world mainly through observing the facial expressions of its parents, and early childhood is critical in shaping the personality for the long term.
Different stages of life and levels of consciousness are characterized by different brainwave patterns. In the first years of life, there is “superlearning” to assimilate information into the subconscious, while awareness and creativity develop only at a later age. Programming can be changed through awareness, hypnosis, or new psychological therapies.
A huge part of our actions is controlled by the automatic subconscious, without awareness. To realize our potential, we must use consciousness to create the reality we desire. Our thoughts are not locked in the brain, but affect our environment, our body, and those around us, positively or negatively. Groups of people together create the shared reality.
Each person has “antennas” that receive unique signals from the universal field. Awareness is a collaboration of the ego (soul) with the subconscious (life experience). The world is meant to be experienced through the senses and physical emotions. Each person is a special frequency that together with everyone creates the complete light.
In conclusion, science and the wisdom of the ages connect to the understanding that the universe is conscious and spiritual. By increasing our awareness and harmony with the universal field, and by choosing consciousness over past patterns or fear of the future, we can create lives full of meaning, joy, and self-fulfillment, and bring abundance and light to the Earth.
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Body states: growth versus defense
Body states: growth versus defense
The human body is always in one of two states – growth or defense, but never both at the same time. When we experience stress, our body goes into defense mode. Blood flows from internal organs such as the digestive system to the extremities, in preparation for the “fight or flight” response. Systems in the body that are not necessary for immediate survival, such as the immune and reproductive systems, slow down their activity. At the same time, certain parts of the brain responsible for rational thinking are blocked, and we are more likely to respond automatically and instinctively. This state is survival in the short term, but staying in it for a long time harms our physical and mental health. In contrast, when we feel safe and calm, the body is in a growth state, in which tissue repair, cell regeneration, learning and development occur.
The role of the environment in baby development
The environment in which the fetus grows, and in particular the mother’s emotional environment, greatly influences its development. This is a kind of “priming factor” of nature that prepares the baby for life in the world into which he will be born. For example, if during pregnancy the mother suffers from anxiety or stress, the baby will also be more prepared for life in a stressful environment. On the other hand, a calm and happy pregnancy will leave a mark of security and peace in the baby. After birth, the environment continues to influence the child through the facial expressions of the parents. When the baby sees a smile and love, he learns that the world is a pleasant and safe place. If the parents express fear, anger or rejection, he internalizes that the world is hostile and threatening. In the first years of life, the conditioning of the baby’s emotions and reactions to various stimuli occurs, which may affect his character and his perception of reality for life.
Perceptions and Cultivation of Consciousness
Each person’s perception of reality is shaped by a combination of three factors: innate instincts (nature), learned patterns of thinking and behavior (nurture), and the ability to think creatively independently (consciousness). While most people find it difficult to change their genetic data or childhood experiences, we all have the potential to reshape our consciousness. When we bring awareness to our automatic patterns and involuntary emotional reactions, we can gradually change them. It is a process that requires practice and consistency, but its results are profound and far-reaching. When we are freed from the shackles of the past and fears of the future, we are free to choose our reality and realize our true destiny.
The cycles of brain activity in the stages of life
The human brain undergoes a gradual process of development over the years, expressed in changes in brain wave patterns. In infants and toddlers, slow brain waves (delta and theta) appear mainly, which allow for the efficient absorption of information from the environment, but limit the ability to act independently. This is a period of “superlearning”, in which the child absorbs all sensory and emotional input like a sponge, without filtering or critical processing. Later, alpha waves join, representing a state of alert relaxation. Awareness at this stage is still basic, but the ability to distinguish between imagination and reality is already beginning. From school age onwards, more beta waves appear, which characterize rational, logical, and analytical thinking. This is the time when self-awareness and freedom of choice develop.
Changing Subconscious Patterns
Most of our actions during the day are driven by the subconscious’ “autopilot” – a collection of conditioned responses that we have acquired throughout life. Without awareness, we repeat the same habits over and over again, even if they no longer serve us. Therefore, if we want to change our lives, we must find a way to influence the subconscious. One way is through hypnosis, which allows access to the lower states of consciousness that characterized the early years of life, and planting affirmations (“I am successful”, “I am worthy”, “I am loved”) that replace negative programming. Other methods are energetic psychological therapies, which work with the body and mind simultaneously to produce a rapid and profound change in our fundamental perceptions.
The far-reaching impact of thought
Our brain is like a wireless broadcasting station, broadcasting our thoughts into the world. Invisibly, the mental frequencies we produce affect everything around us. For example, thoughts of fear, anger, or hatred will attract to us experiences and people who resonate with those energies. On the other hand, when we are filled with love, compassion, and joy, we are magnetic to positive events and nurturing relationships. At every moment, we choose, consciously or unconsciously, the frequencies we transmit, thereby creating our personal and collective reality. Groups of people who are united in thought or intention create a powerful synergistic effect that can drive far-reaching changes.
The Cells of the Body and Self-Identity
Each cell in the body contains specific receptors on its membrane, which serve as “antennas” that receive signals from the universal space of consciousness. The signals received by the cells are what give each person their unique identity and physical and mental qualities. In this sense, we are much more than the body itself – we are a field of information and consciousness, drawing our existence and essence from an infinite source. When a person dies, the body disintegrates, but the energetic pattern that created it remains in another dimension. It may reincarnate again in the future in a new physical form, bearing the same unique signature. This is our true essence, which is not dependent on time, place, or a particular material form.
Body, Soul, and Spirit
Humans are composed of several layers that operate in an integrated and parallel manner. The first layer is the physical body, with its various systems. The second is the soul or subconscious, the repository of memories, conditioning, and impulses accumulated throughout life. The third and highest is the spirit or superconscious, the part of us that is connected to the universal source. When there is coordination between the three layers, we experience a deep sense of meaning, wholeness, and inner peace. However, there is often a disconnection – the body suffers, the soul is tormented, and the spirit is disconnected. We identify ourselves with our earthly parts and forget our spiritual essence. The practice is to be present and aware of all the layers together, with the understanding that they are all expressions of the same true self.
The Role of the Physical Body in Human Experience
Although we are much more than the body itself, physical life has an important role in our spiritual development. Through the five senses, the body becomes a gateway through which we can experience the wonder and pleasure of material existence. Every smell, touch, taste, sight or sound is an opportunity to expand our consciousness, enrich our experience, and connect it to infinity. For the soul, which is pure and abstract, embodiment in a physical body allows us to experience a vast variety of emotions and sensations. Love, compassion, gratitude, wonder – all of these take on an additional dimension and depth when translated into physical experience. Therefore, instead of denying the body or seeing it as a burden, we must learn to respect it as a sacred instrument, serving our ascension and enlightenment.
The Potential to Create a New Life
Ultimately, we are much more than we think. Each person is a unique flash of light, a special frequency within the infinite spectrum of consciousness. Together, we all create the complete white light, containing all the colors and shades of creation. As we expand our awareness and strengthen our connection with the universal field, we can become clearer channels for the flow of cosmic energy. We can heal the wounds of the past, release the fears of the future, and recreate ourselves and the world in every moment. Through intention, imagination, and emotion, we have the power to bring every possibility to life, realize every potential, and turn every dream into reality. The new age invites us to awaken, remember who we truly are, and take full responsibility for our experience.
Towards a Future of Harmony and Prosperity
As more and more people awaken to the truth of their being, together we can bring about a revolution of consciousness on Earth. We can replace separation with unity, competition with cooperation, fear with love. We can create a new society, based on values of compassion, generosity, integrity and respect for all forms of life. In such a world, each person can fulfill their unique calling and contribute their gifts to the common good. Instead of worrying about our own personal survival, we can devote our energy to creation, innovation, art and the exploration of the inner and outer worlds. We can harness technology to solve global problems and improve the quality of life of every being. When we live in harmony with ourselves, with others and with nature, heaven on earth will no longer be a distant vision, but an everyday reality.
An Invitation to Transform Consciousness
Change begins with each and every one of us, right now. We are invited to look within, identify the thoughts and beliefs that hold us back, and consciously choose those that will serve us. We are invited to embrace our fears with compassion, soften our hearts, and expand our vision. We are invited to practice mindful presence in the present, gratitude for the miracles in our lives, and constant wonder at the abundance and beauty that surround us. We are invited to honor the body, remember the spiritual connection, and radiate light to all who meet us on our path. As each of us does this inner work, the influence of the circles creates change on an ever-increasing scale. A wave of awakening is sweeping the Earth, and we can choose to be a part of it – here and now.
Opportunity for Growth and Development
Despite the challenges and bumps in the road, life presents us with endless opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve. In every difficulty lies a gift, in every crisis lies the seed of creation. When we stop fighting reality and accept it with open arms, we become students of life itself. When we let go of the need to control and surrender to the higher wisdom at work in the world, doors open one after another. Times of transition and personal and collective transformation are precisely the opportunity to abandon the old and embrace the new. They are an invitation to recalculate our course, align with our hearts, and dare to dream big. Every crisis, if we know how to use it correctly, can be a springboard for the ascension of consciousness and a life of true satisfaction and joy.
In conclusion, the understandings of the wisdom of ancient knowledge and the insights of new science complement each other and point to one essential truth. We are much more than we think – spiritual beings, with unlimited power to create reality. Within us lies infinite love, infinite wisdom, and infinite creativity, waiting to be awakened and realized. The deeper we connect with our true selves, the more easily and gracefully we will flow with our being in the world. We can become the abundance, beauty, and miracle that is always here. We can live in gratitude and wonder for the very privilege of experiencing this wondrous life and being part of the ongoing divine creation. We stand on the threshold of a new era, where humanity is ascending to a higher dimension of being. Each of us has an important role in this cosmic orchestra. It is time to remember, celebrate, and fulfill the infinite potential that lies within us. It is time to live in joy, love, and harmony with all.
Central insights
1. The brain consists of a powerful subconscious and a smaller, weaker conscious, so it is important to be aware of the programs we are running.
2. We can change our programming through awareness, clinical hypnotherapy, or energy psychology.
3. Our thoughts affect our bodies and our lives from the outside, creating our reality.
4. A baby learns about the world through the faces and eyes of its parents, and early childhood shapes our personality.
5. When we focus and invest in connection, we live our best and happiest lives.
6. Thoughts of fear bring us things we fear, while thoughts of love bring us positive things.
7. The mother’s environment during pregnancy affects the fetus, including her emotions.
8. Our cells contain receptors that receive signals from the outside and define our unique identity.
9. Each of us is a unique frequency within the white light of humanity, and together we create the complete light.
10. The universe is non-material, mental and spiritual, and we can create the world we desire through awareness.
practical advice:
1. Be aware of your subconscious programs, and work on changing negative programs.
2. Practice mindfulness and be present in the moment, so as not to run automatic programs.
3. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, because they create your reality.
4. Give love and attention to yourself and others, because this is the optimal state of growth.
5. Be forgiving towards your parents, as they acted on their programming from childhood.
6. Remember that you are part of the white light of creation, and that you can create the world you want.
Psychological Support:
Psychological Support: Like any addiction recovery process, detox from Subutex includes psychological support. This can involve counseling, therapy, or support groups to address the mental and emotional aspects of addiction.
self-talk mantras:
1. I am aware of my subconscious’s programs, and I choose every moment anew how to think and feel.
2. I radiate love and compassion to myself and those around me, and create a wonderful reality.
3. I am part of the white light of creation, and I have the power to create the world I want.
4. “Happiness is not found in the search for more, but in developing the ability to enjoy less.”
5. “You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it.”
Thought provoking questions:
1. Q: Can the global trend of increasing autism and learning disabilities in children be changed or improved?
A: Yes, early intervention can be very helpful, for example by encouraging the child to look into the eyes of the caregivers.
2. Q: What is the “spiritual world” for you in this context?
A: Experiments have shown the connection between the mind, the environment and the body, and led me to understand that we are part of something larger, which is the source of our identity.
3. Q: Where does the color go if you kill the cell?
A: The frequency remains outside the cell, because it comes from outside in the first place. Our identity is not inside the body, but is part of the larger fabric.
4. Q: Why do we need the physical body if we are already “out there”?
A: The cells transform experiences in the world into sensations and consciousness, allowing us to experience things like sunsets or love that we could not experience as a spirit alone.