The Biology of Faith

The Biology of Faith

“Turning the impossible into possible”

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"Detox from Drugs at a Luxury Holistic Center in Thailand and Israel"

Bruce Lipton on faith and the context of the 12-step method

In the 12-step method, the element of faith is a central component in the ability to break out of the cycle of addiction and human suffering for growth and healing. According to Bruce Lipton, who is a physician by training, life is made up of 50 trillion cells, each of which is a living entity in itself with respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous and even immune systems. Our consciousness serves as the government for this community of cells, with good government leading to health and bad government leading to disease.

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"Holistic Center for Trauma, Addiction, and Mental Imbalance Treatment in Thailand"

“Come to the beginning of your journey to freedom from addiction to alcohol, drugs, and pills, and rediscover your life within the serene embrace of DaoTherapy Rehab in Thailand—where holistic healing meets empowering recovery.”


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Key Elements of Drugs Detox:

Medical Supervision: Drugs detox must be conducted under medical supervision, as the body may experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include nausea, anxiety, muscle aches, and insomnia. A medical team will monitor and manage these symptoms to ensure the patient’s safety and comfort.

Holistic Therapies:

Holistic Therapies: Many detox programs incorporate holistic therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, and meditation to help individuals cope with stress and anxiety during the detox process. These therapies support the mind-body connection and contribute to overall recovery.

Tapering Process

Tapering Process: Drugs detox often involves a gradual tapering of the drug to reduce withdrawal severity. Doctors will slowly decrease the dosage over time to allow the body to adjust to lower levels of the substance.

Psychological Support:

Psychological Support: Like any addiction recovery process, detox from Drugs includes psychological support. This can involve counseling, therapy, or support groups to address the mental and emotional aspects of addiction.

Post-Detox Treatment:

Post-Detox Treatment: After completing detox, continuing treatment is crucial to prevent relapse. This often includes participation in ongoing therapy, group support, and the development of new coping strategies to maintain sobriety.

Article summary part one:

Life is made up of 50 trillion cells, each of which is a living entity in its own right, with respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous, and even immune systems. Our consciousness acts as a government for this community of cells, with good government leading to health and bad government leading to disease.

There are two opposing beliefs about how life works – one holds that life is based solely on atoms and physical mechanisms, while the other believes in an invisible force, such as a soul, that shapes matter. Modern science, influenced by Isaac Newton, has adopted a mechanistic and materialistic approach, without regard for invisible forces. As a result, Western medicine treats the body as a biochemical machine controlled by genes.

However, genetics as it is taught today, the “central dogma,” is actually a religious belief rather than a scientific fact. The concept of genetic determinism makes us helpless victims of heredity, which leads to a loss of responsibility. Despite impressive medical achievements, the leading cause of death in the United States is not cancer or heart disease, but diseases caused by medical treatment itself. The medical model is based on faulty assumptions that originated in Newtonian physics.

In 1925, the quantum physics revolution revealed that the universe is made of energy, not matter. Waves of energy can influence each other in constructive or destructive ways, a phenomenon that we have all experienced as “good vibrations” or “bad vibrations.” All living things communicate and identify safe or dangerous environments using frequencies, but humans have largely lost this sensitivity.

Atoms are not solid particles but force fields of rotating energy, like mini-tornadoes. According to the quantum worldview, we are not only made of atoms but also of energy fields connected to the entire universe. Every atom emits and absorbs energy, and the interference of energies can change its intensity from zero to a high value, A principle that underlies ancient healing practices such as the laying on of hands.

Energy fields can shape matter, as demonstrated by a simple experiment with iron powder and a magnet. According to Albert Einstein, the primary force that shapes our reality is consciousness. Every cell in our body is constantly influenced by the energetic environment we create through our thoughts and beliefs. These ideas and insights, emerging from the forefront of science, provide a new perspective on health and life, and allow us to understand the tremendous potential within us to reshape our biological reality through the power of consciousness.

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Life as a community of cells

Life as a Community of Cells

Life is made up of 50 trillion cells, each of which is a living entity in its own right. Each cell contains all the systems necessary for life, including respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous, and even immune systems. We tend to think of ourselves as a single entity, but in reality we are a community of trillions of cells working together in harmony. Our consciousness, the brain, serves as the government for this community of cells. When we have good consciousness governance, managing the needs of our cells efficiently and in balance, we enjoy optimal health. On the other hand, poor consciousness governance ultimately leads to disease and difficulties in the functioning of the body.


Two Opposing Views of Life

Throughout history, two central and opposing beliefs have developed about how life works. The first, represented by Democritus, holds that life is based solely on atoms and physical mechanisms. According to this view, all that exists is visible matter, and life is nothing more than the product of mechanical interactions between atoms. In contrast, the second belief, which is associated with Plato, speaks of an invisible force, such as a soul or energy, that shapes matter and gives it life. According to this approach, the physical world is only a reflection of a deeper and more perfect reality that cannot be directly perceived by the senses.


The Scientific Revolution and Its Consequences

Modern science, inspired by the physics of Isaac Newton, largely adopted the mechanistic concept of Democritus. Newton was able to explain the movement of celestial bodies using mathematical laws, without the need to resort to ideas about spiritual or divine forces. His success led to a worldview in which the universe was seen as a giant machine, and the human body was seen as a complex biochemical machine. This approach excluded invisible and spiritual forces from explaining reality, and focused solely on the material and physical dimensions. As a result, Western medicine adopted a mechanistic model that treats diseases as technical malfunctions in the body-machine, requiring repair by chemical or invasive means.


The Central Example and Genetic Determinism

One of the significant effects of the Scientific Revolution on medicine is the rise of genetic determinism. According to the “central dogma,” developed by Crick and Watson, genetic information is encoded in DNA and transmitted in only one direction to the proteins, which determine the body’s structure and properties. This approach leads to the conclusion that our genes determine our biological destiny, and that we cannot significantly change the path predetermined in the genetic code. Genetic determinism makes us passive victims of our genes, and reduces our sense of responsibility and control over our health.

However, it turns out that the central dogma, despite being considered a cornerstone of modern biology, is actually an unfounded belief and not a proven scientific fact. Genes alone cannot explain the complexity of life and the enormous influence of the environment and consciousness on genetic expression. The exclusive focus on genes and physical factors prevents us from understanding in depth the origins of health and disease, and limits our ability to find more effective and comprehensive solutions.

The successes and limitations of modern medicine Modern medicine has achieved remarkable success in preventing and treating a variety of conditions, especially when it comes to physical trauma, complex surgeries, or organ transplants. However, when it comes to chronic, systemic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, or autoimmune diseases, medical achievements are more limited. Despite enormous advances in technology and medicine, morbidity and mortality rates from these diseases remain high.

But perhaps the most disturbing evidence of the failings of the medical system lies in this statistic: The leading cause of death in the United States is not cancer or heart disease, but disease—that is, disease caused by medical care itself. Over 780,000 people die each year in the United States from complications related to drugs, surgeries, or medical errors. This number indicates fundamental flaws in the medical model and the assumptions that underlie it.


The Quantum Physics Revolution

In 1925, a scientific revolution occurred that changed our understanding of the nature of reality—the quantum physics revolution. Unlike classical Newtonian physics, which described a solid, mechanical world made of discrete particles, quantum physics revealed a dynamic, unified universe that is fundamentally composed of energy. According to quantum theory, the most basic particles of matter are actually concentrated units of energy bound together in a universal field. The physical reality we experience is created as a result of the interactions and patterns within this energy field.

Another revolutionary insight of quantum physics is that the consciousness of the observer plays a crucial role in shaping reality. The observable. Rather than treating the world as an objective entity separate from us, it becomes clear that we actively participate in the creation of reality through the way we perceive and measure it. These discoveries undermine the separation between matter and consciousness, and point to the close and inseparable connection between the two.


Energy, Frequencies, and Communication Between Living Beings

Quantum physics teaches us that the universe is based on fields of oscillating energy. Every object and every living being emits and receives energy at specific frequencies. When two waves of energy meet, they can affect each other in two main ways: constructive interference and destructive interference. When the waves are in harmony and in sync with each other, constructive interference occurs and their energy is strengthened. On the other hand, when the waves are in disharmony or out of phase, destructive interference occurs and the energies neutralize each other.

Anyone who has experienced “good vibes” in the company of certain people, or alternatively a feeling of discomfort and immediate rejection from someone for no apparent reason, knows all too well the powerful impact of these shared energies. At the deepest level, all living beings communicate and respond to their environment through frequencies. Animals and plants are able to detect predators or potential dangers from a distance, by intuitively reading energies. Humans, however, have largely lost this natural sensitivity, partly due to social conditioning to ignore “gut feelings” and rely more on verbal language or logical analysis.


The Quantum Nature of Atoms and Fields

In the traditional picture of the atom, as taught in schools, the atom is presented as a solid, stable structure consisting of a central nucleus around which electrons move in circular orbits. However, quantum physics reveals a completely different picture. According to the quantum model, atoms are more like fields of rotating energy, a kind of dynamic mini-tornadoes. The space inside the atom is mostly empty, and the matter is concentrated in the center in the form of a dense nucleus. Around the nucleus, electrons move in a probabilistic cloud, without defined orbits. The atomic structure is more like an oscillating liquid than a solid sphere.

The profound meaning of the quantum atomic model is that we, like all things in the universe, are not made primarily of matter but of energy fields. Our physical body is a visible expression of a vibrational pattern within the universal energy field. Every cell in our body emits and absorbs energy at unique frequencies, and is in constant interaction with its environment. This view blurs the boundary between the individual organism and the environment and the entire universe. We are not separate and isolated entities, but an integral part of the encompassing web of life.


How Energies Affect the Organism

The understanding that we are open systems of energy, innately connected to the universal field, leads us to reexamine the effects of the energetic environment on our health and functioning. Since every cell in our body responds to frequencies and signals from the environment, the quality of the energies to which we are exposed plays a crucial role in determining our physical and mental state. When we are surrounded by harmonious and strengthening energy fields, such as in the company of loving people, in nature, or during uplifting experiences, our cells respond accordingly and function optimally. In contrast, prolonged exposure to negative or disharmonious energies can gradually lead to a decline in function and the development of disease.

The connection between energy fields and matter is illustrated by a simple experiment in which iron powder is sprinkled on paper. Without the presence of a magnet, the powder will form a random pile. However, when a magnet is placed under the paper, the iron powder arranges itself in a defined pattern that reflects the magnetic field lines. This means that an invisible energy field is able to organize and shape visible matter. Similarly, the energy fields in our environment and in our consciousness constantly shape and influence the biological systems that make up our bodies.


The Power of Mind in Shaping Biology and Destiny

If external energy fields can have such an impact on our physiology, what about the energy fields we ourselves create? Here lies perhaps the most significant insight of the new science – the understanding that our consciousness has enormous power to shape biological and material reality. As Albert Einstein emphasized, consciousness is the fundamental and primary force from which all experience of reality stems. Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions create specific energy vibration patterns, which directly affect the behavior of the cells and molecules in our bodies.

When we fix our attention on thoughts of fear, stress or helplessness, we create an energetic environment that encourages states of disharmony and illness in the body. On the other hand, when we cultivate awareness of the opportunities, unlimited potential and healing powers inherent in us, we shape an energetic field that promotes health, balance and an improved quality of life. By changing the way we perceive and respond to reality, we can change the influence of our genes and the external environment and take control of our biological destiny.


Towards a New Paradigm of Healing and Self-Realization

The revolutionary insights of quantum physics and the new biology invite us to embrace a new paradigm of health, healing, and self-realization. Rather than treating the body as a broken machine that requires external repair, we are invited to recognize our inner power as conscious creators of our reality. Understanding the body as a complex and dynamic energy system, inextricably linked to consciousness and the environment, allows for a more holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting health.

This approach emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive states of mind, nurturing relationships, and a supportive environment as the key to physical and mental well-being. It recognizes the central role of beliefs, emotions, and perceptions in shaping our genetic and cellular potential. Rather than seeking solutions in the form of drugs and external treatments alone, the emphasis is on personal empowerment, responsibility, and the ability of the individual to influence his or her life.

Implementing these principles requires a profound shift in consciousness, both at the individual, social, and institutional levels. It invites us to transcend fears and limitations and reconnect with the wisdom of our bodies and our natural intelligence. It requires the courage to challenge outdated beliefs and explore new ways of thinking and acting. But most of all, it gives us hope and strength – the understanding that we have the power to shape our physical reality and realize the infinite potential inherent in human existence.

DaoTherapy offers a variety of treatment programs

Treatment Programs of DaoTherapy:

Detoxification Program Therapy:
From one month to six months
Trauma-Focused Therapy:
From one month to six months
Holistic Healing Program:
From one month to six months

Central insights

1. We are made of 50 trillion cells, and each cell contains all the systems necessary for life.

2. There are two opposing beliefs about how life works – atoms versus invisible energy.

3. Modern science believes that the universe is a machine, and the human body is controlled by genes.

4. The leading cause of death in the United States is disease, caused by medical treatment.

5. Quantum physics has revealed that the universe is made of energy, not matter.

6. Energy waves can interfere with each other in a constructive or destructive way.

7. All organisms communicate using frequencies, but humans do not take advantage of this ability.

8. Atoms are mini-tornadoes with force fields that cannot be passed through.

9. Atoms emit and absorb energy, and interference between energies can change its intensity.

10. A magnetic field shapes matter, as Einstein demonstrated.

practical advice:

1. Learn to be sensitive to your frequencies and gut feelings to avoid negative situations.

2. Remember that you are more than the sum of your genes – you have the power to change your biology.

3. Treat yourself as a community of cells, and care for their physical and mental health.

4. Explore alternative healing methods that are based on energy rather than chemicals alone.

5. Understand the profound impact that frequencies and energy have on your health and well-being.

6. Adopt a holistic worldview that takes into account the environment and society, not just the physical body.

Psychological Support:

Psychological Support: Like any addiction recovery process, detox from Subutex includes psychological support. This can involve counseling, therapy, or support groups to address the mental and emotional aspects of addiction.

self-talk mantras:

1. I am made up of 50 trillion cells, each containing the wisdom of life.

2. I am more than my genes – I have the power to reshape my biology and destiny.

3. I am attentive to the frequencies and energies around me, and I carefully choose my environment.

4. “Your reality is determined by your beliefs, not your genes.” – Bruce Lipton

5. “Your body hears everything your mind says.” – Naomi Judd

Thought provoking questions:

1. Take time each day to introspect and listen to your gut feelings about people and situations.

2. Challenge negative or limiting thought patterns by adopting empowering beliefs.

3. Visualize yourself as a thriving community of 50 trillion cells, and give each cell love and attention.

4. Invest in a healthy lifestyle that nourishes your cells on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

5. Practice compassion and connection to others, recognizing that we are all connected through the energy field.